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inspiring others to "LIVE IT, DREAM IT, BE IT"

Sportsman and women working together to enlighten and show their love of the outdoors. See what you've been missing,... they'll show you

Sammi Davey


My name is Sammi Davey and I live outside of the tiny town of Lind in southeastern Washington. I didn’t get my start in hunting until I met my husband, Kelly, in 2006. I got my first bow that winter and started hunting deer in 2007 and have been hooked ever since. We spend all year getting ready for the season to open from shed hunting and scouting to shooting all year. We had both of our boys, Winston and Cole, in 2013 and they haven’t missed a single season. They go on all of our shed hunting trips and our scouting trips as well. My goal isn’t to get the biggest buck I’ve ever seen, but to keep our boys involved and raise them to hopefully carry on our lifestyle. Late season of 2017 was by far my favorite hunt I’ve been on. I was able to take a doe at 30 yards with both boys standing right next to me. After we recovered her, the oldest helped me bone out all the meat. We gave the boys new compound bows for Christmas and we all shoot together on a small group of targets we have set up at our house. This coming year we hope to get involved in 3-D shoots, if our schedules allow. 


Quote: Youth hunters are the future of hunting and our lifestyle, we need to encourage and help them any way we can. It’s never too early to get them involved!


I was brought up in the outdoor lifestyle by my uncle. Who showed me There is more to life than the urbanite life I was in. Little did he know the effect it would have on the rest of my life. 
I love to share my passion for the outdoors with anyone who will listen and even though it cuts into my own success at times. I love helping others with their hunts and love showing others the outdoor lifestyle. 
I feel it is important to show what our public lands have to offer and how we should treat them. 
To show them there is better meat then what you get at a grocery store and it's way more fun.
I hope to instill this belief in my two beautiful daughters, so they can experience what I have and have many outdoor adventures of their own


Ross Sharp

Christopher McRobert

My name is Christopher McRobert. I am 26 years old and I love the great outdoors. My grandfather got me into fishing at a young age and I was hooked ever since. My Uncle was the first one to take me on my first hunting trip and since that day I push myself to find the most remote areas I can. I like to travel to different states as often as I can to challenge myself to chase new game. The most common animals I pursue are deer, elk, bear, turkey, and ducks. In the off season you can find me hiking ridge to ridge shed hunting with my pup. 
Quote: "I have always tempered my killing with the respect for the game pursued. I see the animal not only a target but as a living creature with more freedom than I will ever have. I take that life if I can, with regret as well as joy, & with the sure knowledge that nature's way of fang & claw or exposure & starvation are far crueler
fate than I bestow." -Fred Bear

I had a blast last night helping _northc

Nick Martin


Nick Martin is an avid outdoors-man with the passion to pass down the ethics of sportsmanship and conservation that were instilled in him since he was. Nick has been hunting and enjoying the outdoors since he could walk. He has worked with several organizations involved in conservation over the last several years and now operates Choice Auto Group. Nick was born and raised in the Pacific Northwest and spend his free time with his family or in the outdoors, hunting, fishing, looking for sheds with his Labs, or just enjoying the mountains exploring new ground. 


"The wilderness is my gym and my escape from the daily grind. More mountains=less stress. See you in the woods!

Danny Mason

I have lived in Nevada since I was 12 and have always been an outdoors type kid. I would take off with my pellet gun and shoot squirrels all day after school( still do today). After that, I moved onto upland game. Loved it. My family was never really a hunting type and I found this passion on my own. It was through my father in law that I discovered big game hunting 4 yrs ago and haven't looked back since. My fondest memories have been in a wall tent with that old guy, playing cribbage. The only memories in the field that have been better were guiding my wife on her first big game hunt and watching her reaction to the entire experience. She was successful and I'll never forget her reaction walking up on her downed buck. I live for the memories.


"the true trophy is the experience and the memories."



Antonio Escalera

Antonio Was born with a passion for the outdoors, being a son of a skilled taxidermist he grew up with a life long obsession for searching out animals in the hills. No matter the destination, Antonio is always scanning for wildlife . Be it a quick trip to the local store or driving from job to job Antonio is passionate about scouting shed. Discovering a matching set may be his biggest thrill. As the years have progressed his love of all things outdoors has been passed on to his children.  From a young age, Antonio's boys have tagged all and turkey hunts. It is his hope that by teaching his family the traditions and heritage of hunting that they can carry it on in their own lives.


Josh Fitzhugh

I was born on September 12, 1980, in Brewster WA.

I graduated from Omak High School. Following high school, I attended Washington State University where I ran varsity track and field for two years and obtained a bachelor’s degree in Sports Management. I am blessed with a wonderful wife of 14 years and 5 beautiful children. As a family, we all share the passion of the outdoors, camping, hunting, and fishing. My career is in law enforcement. 
Being born and raised in Okanogan County I was introduced to hunting at the early age of 9. I was hooked from day one! I killed my first mule deer with a rifle at age 12 and have had the burning desire to chase mountain mule deer ever since. I have taken many mule deer with a rifle, a bow and
a muzzleloader. I have not had the chance to chase big bulls in this state as often as I would like, the draw system kind of put the damper on that. I have drawn one good tag and was fortunate enough with my efforts to have harvested a bull of a lifetime. I have had the opportunity to harvest bears, a mountain lion, bobcats, coyotes, and many turkeys. 
My true passion is getting away from the world deep in the wilderness. Nothing gets me more excited than a40 mile adventure where not many outdoorsmen get to visit. I lace up my boots, strap on my pack, and my motivation drives me where I love to be. The goal is typically a mature mule deer, a pack full of sheds, trail cameras set out, or the occasional screaming bull elk. But if all I return home with is a lasting memory of the trip and fresh air in my lungs, I consider it a success.


Clayton Shultz

I started hunting and fishing at the age of 12 in my home state of Pennsylvania where I hunted squirrels, rabbits, grouse, pheasants and whitetail deer. I fished the various streams, lakes and ponds for trout and bass. After serving in the U.S. Navy I settled in Bremerton Wa. With my wife Susan and three daughters. 99% of our vacations are centered around camping and outdoor activities. I turkey hunt in April. I spend a week in May in Conconully fishing and I volunteer camp host at various Wa. State parks during the summer. I crab in hood canal in July. I deer hunt in October and Elk hunt also. I’ve hunted in Montana and Colorado. Hunting moose is number one on my bucket list maybe in Canada or Alaska. I’m a retired police officer so I have lots of time to enjoy the outdoors. Getting away to the woods is the way to find yourself.

Mark Woodard

My name is Mark Woodward and I am an avid pursuer of big game in Eastern Washington. My passion is for mule deer and I have been successful almost every year since I started at the age of 14 with all types of weapons. I also have a love for chasing elk with a harvest of nine elk with seven of them being bulls, two over 300”. My down time consist of shed hunting, scouting, hiking, varmint hunting and fishing. 
When I’m not hunting, I’m employed as a Wildlife Biologist where I continue to love my job and time in the field. When not hunting or working, I’m with my family. My family consists of Camille (wife), Michelle (8-year old daughter) and Wyatt (5-year old son) who all love tagging along on my adventures. My favorite hunt to date is a buck I harvested with Michelle on an afternoon adventure chasing desert mulies. I cannot wait for the upcoming years where we will all have tags in our pockets.

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Cody Palm

"Live to hunt, hunt to live" the saying I live my live by. I am a 24 year old avid hunter who spends every little bit of time, that I am not doing architectural sheet metal, chasing my dreams in the outdoors. I spend the majority of my time chasing big rutting blacktails and screaming Roosevelt elk. Although I also chase everything from bear to turkey to whitetail. If I am not pursuing animals in the woods i am fishing or scouting. My passion was fueled from my father who started carrying me around in the woods in a backpack when I was just a new born. Since then the fire burns on stronger than ever. I am always looking for new tactics and adapting to different methods. Shoot straight and aim small, miss small. 


Expertise wise, I am getting into the social media side of hunting more and more. Trying to share my stories and passions with people who may be less fortunate to not get to see what I can. 

Eric Reed.

I grew up in Oklahoma and was introduced to hunting and the outdoors by my father. Its a [passion that has stayed with me and the one I hope to pass on to my son. I also realize that in order to pass on that passion that I also need to be involved in the conservation of wildlife and that habitat that we are losing every minute of every day. I currently reside as the president of the NWTF Tri-Cities chapter and am a member of several different conservation organizations and volunteer when time allows

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Erik Linder

 I am 30 years old with a wife of 10 years and 3 kids aged 8, 5, and 2. I was raised in and around the outdoors and became very comfortable out there at an early age. Since my early 20's I have been an avid hunter and fisherman and try to get myself and my kids out to the woods as much as possible. I hunt mostly archery for big game, but only because of the longer seasons and I don't know a lot of rifle hunters. I also hunt turkeys, ducks and sheds to help fill out my year.

'A true hunter recognizes that experiences are the ultimate hunting trophies; he takes pride in walking the ancient and noble pathway that was laid down by his forbearers; and even when he returns from a hunt cold, wet, and empty-handed, he does so with a full heart." —Steven Rinella.

Joseph Colassurdo

 I have been hunting and fishing since I was 8yrs old with my father! I have learned so much in the woods from him. I have been addicted ever sense. I live and breathe the outdoors, every chance I get I’m out in the woods. When I can, I teach my own children what my father taught me, I have hunted the west side and east side and currently over in Tonasket area, where I now have property. I am a people person, I love making people happy and helping them, everyone tells me how great it is that I am that type of person. I am a family person as well; my family is very important to me, my friends are like my family as well. After being in remission from lymph node cancer for a year now I have been just enjoying what life has to offer. I am blessed for everything I have and I don’t take it for granted. I don’t know what else to say other then I am who I am and love god and god’s country and wouldn’t change a thing on how I feel about life and the outdoors.


KC Ray

My name is K.C. Ray and I’m a small town boy from the Eastern High Sierra. I was born and raised in the Owens Valley fishing and hunting with my Father since 1990. My love for the outdoors quickly grew into a guiding business which has allowed me to share more memories afield with many other hunters from around the states. I have had the fortune of guiding my clients to some amazing animals over the years and developed an obsession for filming the hunts that took place. Filming wildlife has opened the door to a year round activity of keeping closer tabs on the diverse environment that my area has to offer. I m a firm believer in ethical hunting and sharing the outdoors with folks who have not experienced it s wonders yet.

It is a pleasure to team up with a group of passionate individuals who share the same love for the heritage which still beats strong in the West.

Michael Blondina 

My name is Michael Blondina. Ive been hunting and enjoying the great outdoors since I was 12 years old. Outdoor living and activity has been a huge part of my life and now my children's way of life. Most think of the hunting season as that month you get to go out on the actual hunt. To me its more of an all year round event. From hiking, to shed hunting, to scouting, to body preparation  to conservation..... There is always a chance to get out and smell the fresh air and to not only push your limits but also to educate yourself and those up coming hunters. Together we can continue to keep this sport and family tradition alive.


Brant Alder Balls

I love the outdoors. I have hunted trapped, fished, hiked, camped and done lots of shooting. Last fall I was in a shooting accident. My favorite saying is you start strong you finish strong. This came because i was strong before the accident and I'll continue to be strong. I love Long range shooting,guiding and shooting PRS matches


Nick Venema

My name is Nick Venema and I currently live in Ellensburg, WA. I go to CWU and I am in my last year in the Construction Management program. I grew up on the water in Edmonds, WA and I grew up playing sports and being outdoors. I have worked in Kenai, AK on the Kenai River and got to experience Alaska and some of the best fishing. My father was not a hunter, but he always taught me how to get through adversity and how to be disciplined. Growing up, my dad taught me how to fish for lake trout, salmon, crab, and clams. Along with fishing, my dad taught me how to camp and backpack. As soon as I was old enough, my dad put a backpack on my back and he would take me backpacking with him and his friends up to backcountry lakes and we would set up camp for a few days and fish for lake trout. My favorite place in the world to camp and fish at is Blue Lake in Okanogan Co. in the Sinlahekin Wildlife Area. I was always interested in hunting because I loved seeing deer, elk, and birds whenever we would go on our camping or hiking trips. However, my dad was not a hunter and although he was an avid hiker and fisherman, he was never really supportive of being around guns. Throughout my childhood, I never really had anyone to influence me and teach me how to hunt. As soon as I had the opportunity right in front of me, I made something of it. I earned some money and bought my first shotgun and went duck hunting that following fall. I researched, got out into the woods as much as possible, and watched YouTube to educate myself. Then, last spring I scouted my hunting areas, worked a bunch of extra hours, on top of school, and bought myself my first bow. This past fall, I hunted elk and deer for the first time and I got out into the woods as much as possible. Although I wasn’t successful in a cow/spike only unit, I saw so many elk, a bear, a couple bucks and even had a 5 point bull bugle right in my face at 25 yards. I tell you what, I did not kill anything, but just being able to experience the things I did had me excited and hooked for the Fall of 2018. My passion for hunting, fishing and the outdoors is immense and it continues to grow as I keep learning. 

Steve Huskov


My name is Steve Huskov, I live in Spokane, WA.  I currently attend WSU’s nursing program and working on finish my bachelor’s degree in science of nursing.  My passion and dream is to work as a trauma nurse on a flight unit.  I’m 26 years old, after high school I worked in Alaska in the oil fields, being there provided an opportunity to get involved with firefighting and that’s how I discovered my passion of helping people medically.  My passion for the outdoors started at a very young age, I grew up in a family that didn’t fish or hunt much.  As soon as I got old enough to earn my own income (at 13 I started mowing lawns) I quickly learned my passion for the outdoors, in form of fishing and backpacking at the time.  I didn’t get a chance to hunt until age 18 when I could legally buy I rifle.  I remember that year very well it was 2010. I spent every day of that deer season walking around public land I was able to ask around about, with no luck. That winter I did A LOT of research and spent countless hours watching YouTube videos to educate myself on the animal and their patterns. The next year I harvested the biggest Whitetail to date, the rest is history, I was getting hooked more and more.  Sense then I spend majority of my free time in various outdoor activities, most include fly-fishing/hunting/hiking, I’m an adventurist at heart, there isn’t much outdoors related that I would say no to. 

Josh Austin


I am a born and raised Washingtonian, live most of my life in the small rural town of Mineral (Right at the base of Mt. Rainier).  I have had a rifle (or bow) in my hands since the age of 8 and had the privilege of hunting all over our beautiful state for deer, elk, bear, cougar, sheep and just about anything else you can buy a tag for.  I now hunt almost entirely archery unless I am out teaching my 9-year-old son, in which case we bring the rifle and his .22 along.

For the past several years I have found myself spending more and more time in the woods with a camera.  It's amazing to be able to "shoot" all year round and in areas that are closed to actual hunting.  I have hiked into places that I never had a desire to go before and camped in areas that I would never think of hunting because I know I can pack out 1000's of great photos or videos.

All in all, I am a family man who loves to spend every spare minute that I can in the woods; exploring new areas, scouting for animals, photography the landscape, and teaching my children how to do the same


Jamie Sorg

I didn't grow up doing much in the outdoors other than occasional camping. I met my husband in 2000 and seeing the love for hunting in him and even the women in his family, I was instantly drawn in. 2 years later, I was heading out on my first hunting trip, I filled my deer tag opening day and I was hooked! We now have 2 kids, who we have brought along with us on our adventures from day one, and nothing has been more rewarding than having our kids share in the same excitement for the outdoors. We are passing down our knowledge and has been incredibly awesome to see them grow and be successful in the field. You not only gain me, you are gaining the stories and the pictures and the tales of my whole family, together we are one.



My name is Chris Mann. I am currently living in Pullman attending WSU and finishing a couple degrees.  I have lived in Washington for most of my life except for the 8 years I spent traveling the world with the Marines.  In my free time I hunt and fish like a madman.  I love elk hunting with every fiber in my being.  I currently hunt elk in 2 states and deer in 3.  I’ve never been a “trophy hunter” but more the kind of guy who is happy with the animal I harvest.  I also work with a non-profit called The Fallen Outdoors.  We take veterans and active duty military members on hunting and fishing trips.  This keeps me active in the community even when I do not have a hunt of my own.


Type of expertise in the outdoor industry you would see yourself in:

Videography, photography, promotional, would love to get involved with more things if possible. Any type of outdoors adventure, fishing and hunting.  In the past year I started filming some of my adventures and look forward to filming all of my hunts this coming year and perfecting my editing and camera work.

Personal interests: hunting, archery, distance shooting, fishing, any excuse to get out into the mountains.  

Chris Mann

Kyle Reynoldson


My name is Kyle Reynoldson. I am from Maple Valley Washington. I work as a General Foreman for Ceco Concrete construction. My passion for the outdoors developed as a young child out with grandpa and just have continued to grow as the years have gone on. I spend every second that I can in the outdoors. Whether that be Hunting, fishing, backpacking, scouting, etc. My hunt that I most look forward to every year is my mule deer hunts. Other game that I pursue consists of bear, elk, turkey, grouse, waterfowl, whitetail, blacktail, and any kind of river fishing. (steelhead is my primary). I love getting into the wilderness and glassing for hours one end or going into the thickest Roosevelt elk country I can find and still hunt.

 Type of expertise in the outdoor industry you would see yourself in: Im starting to get more into the videography side of chasing wildlife. I’d same I’m more advanced than your average person in the photography side of things. I always love to get that one awesome shot no matter what it be. I have a strong base of social media followers, through my personal page and a page called Washington Outdoorsmen. (facebook, Instagram, Snapchat)

i.e.: (video, photography, social media, advertising, promotion, guiding, blogging, sponsorship)


Personal interests: Family, 3d target Archery, hunting, fishing, billiards, backpacking, hiking, building things, learning new things.



Natalie Aldrich

  My name is Natalie Aldrich! I live in Fort Jones, CA. I am a truck driver in Construction! My passion is construction which I plan on taking over our family construction company in a year or two. I am 21 years old and have been running eqiupment and driving since I can remember! I got my Class A when I turned 18! I have always loved the outdoors, growing up with 14 horses always going into the Marble Mountains. I have been hunting since I can walk! Following my dad through the woods and eventually caring my little BB gun and now my rifles! I have been going to Colorado since I turned 12 with my dad hunting Elk and Deer! I spend the majority of my time always outside finding something to do! I either snowmoble, ride my side by side, ride horses, go fishing, or hunting! I love the outdoors. 


Luis Vargas 

My name is Luis Vargas, raised in Brewster WA, spent 10 great years in the ARMY stationed primarily in Ft. HOOD TX with the occasional jaunt to the DESERT and now live in Pateros WA with my beautiful wife of 18yrs. I’m a family man who is an absolute fanatic about the outdoors! Luckily my kids, wife brothers and friends are all as jacked up about the outdoors as I am. My true passion is introducing new people to the great sport of hunting or the outdoors in general. I was Raised and live my life by 3 simple words “work for it”.

(509) 869-3621

41 Sterling Ln Tonasket WA United States 98855

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